Lounge chair

– Lounge chair for Kansai International Airport Passenger Terminal Building –
To search for a fitting design for the nearly 9,000 lounge chairs for the Kansai International Airport Passenger Terminal Building.
The goals were to create an image of seats that seem to float within the terminal’s vast space and to achieve the greatest economy by minimizing elements. The result was a base made of two main tubes connected at two places with double tubes attached to the four aluminum-cast legs, the plywood seats and back supports covered with polyurethane-filled, artificial leather cushions. Each seat is fixed to the main tubes with a pair of aluminum connecting-pieces.
The lounge chairs come in five basic colors- Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange & Green, adding accent and warmth to the soft gray tones of the terminal interior. About 200 chairs of each color were selected for each boarding gate. The smoking corners set aside within this basically non-smoking airport were equipped with chairs of a sixth color- Purple. The six colomns were chosen from bright, hues traditional in France.

Lounge chair

– Lounge Chairs for the Kansai International Airport Passenger Terminal Building –


Lounge chair


Kansai International Airport Passenger Terminal Building, Osaka, Japan


Kansai International Airport Co., Ltd.


1994 Completion

Industrial Design

Renzo Piano Building Workshop Japan(Copyright: Noriaki Okabe, Renzo Piano)


Okamura Corporation


The Permanent Collection of the Museum of Modern Art, New York


*The Making of KANSAI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT TERMINAL Osaka, Japan, Kodansha, Japan, ISBN: 4-06-205866-9

*PROCESS: Architecture 122 Kansai International Airport Passenger Terminal Building, process architecture, Japan
Okamura Corporation: No.01-05
Kazuaki Hosokawa: No.06, 07

Copyright (C) 2010 Noriaki Okabe Architecture Network All Rights Reserved.